First and foremost is my beloved KitchenAid Mixer 600 Professional. This is one of the best gifts I have ever received, hands-down! It mixes sooo much batter without blinking. (Well, if it had eyes.) I have made quadruple cookie batches in it, which is one of the reasons I wanted one so badly. I rarely make a single batch of anything, so this comes in quite handy. Believe it or not, I own no attachments, and I don't have any I'm dying for. I wanted this mixer for its brute mixing strength. :)
Second is my collection of stoneware from the Pampered Chef. I don't even own any metal bakeware. (I don't think...I need to go through my cabinets and get rid of what I don't's on The List.) I currently own 16 pieces and my 4 cookie sheets of various sizes are my faves. Well, I do like the muffin and loaf pans for banana bread, which the boys love and I bake often. They are heavy and slightly cumbersome (I really loathe the way they scrape when I have to dig out a less-used one from the bottom of a stack.) but the baking quality and consistency is well worth any trouble in my humble opinion. These are available from other manufacturers, but I've never used one and don't know much about them.

I've mentioned the cookie scoop before (yup, from PC again) and they come in 3 sizes. I use the smallest one for cookies usually, but the medium and large are nice for special occasion, giant cookies. I also use them for just about anything that needs consistent measuring. Muffins, cupcakes, name it. They take so much work out of baking cookies. I seriously wouldn't bother if I had lost my scoop. They just wouldn't get made until I bought another one! Once you try it, you'll wonder how you lived without it. I've seen these other places and by other brands, but I've never tried them. I imagine a good quality one would still be satisfactory, but that's just an assumption.
Pampered Chef also has 2 micro cookers. I have both sizes and these are great for quick cooking. I use them constantly for the boys' lunches. And for dinner. And veggies. And melting butter. There isn't much you can't do with these and they're wonderful because you don't have to babysit something in the microwave.
And last, but certainly not least is my Rada peeler. This little baby will make peeling fruits and veggies fun - seriously. Ok, well maybe not if you 20 pounds of potatoes, but it would definitely bring less insanity that using a knife! I've never - never- used a peeler this good. Maybe it's because it's a patented design, who knows, but this tiny thing is fantastic. I use it for everything, soft or hard, it doesn't matter. The only think I don't love is that it's not dishwasher safe. :( But I consider it a small price to pay...
Ok, everyone, now here's your reward for reading this entire post! I'm having my first giveaway! I was going to do the Rada peeler, but then I couldn't decide if I should do the cookie scoop instead. Sigh. So I'm not deciding - you are! Enter to win by leaving me a comment, and the winner gets to choose the peeler or scoop. I will select a winner this Sunday, February 14th at midnight, so enter by then!
Hi. This is my comment. Look at my comment. It is my comment. :)
Love ya!
Commenting is fun, especially when you stand a chance to win something! :) I love your blog, it is great.
Have a great weekend. We love you!
Ok, so I'm leaving a comment. BUT I have to say, I'm hesitant about your little peeler thingie. I have a peeler from Tupperware which is the absolute bomb-digide. I wouldn't say it makes peeling "fun" but it is much quicker and easier than the cheap-o's out there. I've never heard of Rada? or whatever the name brand was on the peeler. Now, if you had said it was pampered chef, I would have drooled, becuase, well, their stuff is amazing....speaking of- if anyone knows where my kitchen shears (pampered chef) are...please let me know, i would love to use them again...:) anyway, as I was saying...the name brand dilema. Where did you hear of this puppy? I mean that's a name....:) Ok, I'm a nerd...I had no idea you had been adding so much to your day, when my house hasn't been hit by a hurricane, I will finish reading the other posts, but as for today...I must clean, because there are people coming over here tomorrow and well, lysol should probably cover everything since the commerical says it kills the H1N1 Virus. So, I'm off to clean. Wouldn't it suck if this wouldn't post and I spent all this time writing it. ugh...let's see what happens...
It worked:) and I had to type peeshed so it would.
Nakia - Rada is another rep-based company like Pampered Chef, they've been around for years. They sell mainly cutlery and their knives are GREAT. Probably why I love their peeler so much, it's very sharp and I've had it for 9 years now. Never tried the PC one before though, so you never know :)
I totally agree with you about the Kitchen Aid mixer. I got mine as a hand-me-down some years ago, maybe as long as 10-15 and its still going strong! Infact I've almost wornen off the plastic covering on the basic mixing paddle.
Pampered Chef products are good and bad I'm sorry to say. Their plastic things break easily. However the baking stoneware is wonderful, if you don't break it! My family broke two pieces, so since then I've had strict rules regarding their use by the younger set, even cleaning them is off limits! So in that respect they are somewhat of a hassle as I worry about them breaking so much. But they make great cookies, biscuits rise higher if you preheat the cookie sheet one, and cakes are great in the bundt pan!!
I've never heard of the Rada peeler, but it sounds interesting. But if its sharp enough to take off finger nails, then I'd have to reconsider. I judge things against can my kids use these products safely. Even when they are old enough some sharp things are still dangerous.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us Lee!
I'm commenting but not "entering" - I have a peeler I love and 2 cookie scoops now! But I did want to tell you that there's an award for you on my blog. :)
Carolyn - I completely understand needing to watch the safety of your children! I personally have an easier time using the peeler safely than a knife because I feel like I have more control. But I imagine it's probably what you get used to. You've peeled with knives for so long, I'm sure you're much more comfortable with them than me!
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